2024 Word of the Year: Demure #FeelingFriday

Source: Dictionary.com

Every year, right around this time of year, Dictionary.com picks its “word of the year.” In the words of the brand:

Each year, Dictionary.com’s Word of the Year and short-listed nominees capture pivotal moments in language and culture. These words serve as a linguistic time capsule, reflecting social trends and global events that defined the year. The Word of the Year isn’t just about popular usage; it reveals the stories we tell about ourselves and how we’ve changed over the year.

This year’s pick: Demure. In the words of the brand, once again:

The word demure experienced a meteoric rise in usage in 2024. Between January and the end of August, this term saw a nearly 1200% increase in usage in digital web media alone. This sharp rise is mainly attributed to TikToker Jools Lebron’s popularization of the phrase “very demure, very mindful” in a series of videos posted to the platform in early August.

You can read more about Dictionary.com’s choice by clicking here.

Traditionally, “demure” has meant being reserved or shy or modest. But this year it’s taken on a more modern meaning in our new post-covid, politically-preoccupied, social-first world.

Here’s my take on the new meaning of “demure” …not putting yourself too forcefully “out there.” Holding back on too many social posts where you are so front and center. Not looking so (as they say) thirsty. Not bragging so darn much. Not always putting yourself in the very best light. Not claiming to be the very very best you always are.

For me, demure means being more real. Being more of yourself. Being humble. Showing all sides of yourself, positive and negative. Good and bad, strengths and weaknesses. The faults, the wrinkles, the grey hairs (oh, am I getting too personal?!?).

Not trying so darn hard to be so “on” all of the time. Not needing to be so perfect. No wanting it all when you know you can’t have it all. Not needing to be an over-achiever. Not always achieving. Sometimes failing and talking about that too.

Sometimes losing but learning from it. Sometimes not learning a darn thing and being ok with that. Sometimes repeating the same mistakes again.

Feeling exhausted and looking it.

Being me. Being you. Being us. Being we.

Demure. I like it. It gives us all a break, perhaps. I’ll take it.

Word of the year. Attitude of the year. “Being of the year.” What’s your experience? JIM

Source: me


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