A Super Bowl Advertising First - AI, Positioned
We witnessed it here first …
Source: Wikipedia
We may have very well witnessed a first during the Super Bowl advertising this year. Did you notice? It’s not made many of the recap lists, nor any of the “favorites” to my eye, either, but I picked up on it straight away.
AI got a positioning, perhaps for the first time ever.
I’m not sure I’ve seen that before. Many have tried to explain AI, many have tried to message it, and many have tried to make magic of the benefits of it. But for the most part, AI has remained un-explained, un-messaged, and un-positioned, perhaps until now.
Take a look …
In this Super Bowl commercial, AI, and in this case Chat GPT, is positioned as just the next in a long line of human progress allowing us to continue to create what’s next. Putting humans in control, not taking away human control, which so many fear with AI. Promoting human progress, not taking over human progress, which so many fear with AI.
The positioning and spot is so smart, and also so visually striking. Yet also visually simple and un-assuming. Presumably created by AI as well.
Yes, indeed folks, we just saw the first commercial for AI, via ChatGPT, and we just saw AI get “positioned” for the first time. Again, at least to my eye.
And we barely noticed, which to me means we are starting to accept AI and adopt it, which is exactly what happens with every new technology and advancement … as portrayed in this very commercial. How ironic!
A very first, right here at the Super Bowl.
What’s your experience? JIM