Bake in Some "Change" This Thanksgiving

I will admit it. I'm not one of those people who is afraid of change. I actually embrace it, cause it, look for it, need it. It's just in my DNA. I suppose those around me have just gotten used to it :)

I will also admit that I love traditions, especially during the holidays. We almost always have the entire family at our house, with many of the same foods, drinks, and gift giving traditions year after year. We love it.

This year, though, we are going to my sister and brother-in-law's house for the first time, for her first big Thanksgiving celebration. Although I love all the traditions of the holiday, I am so looking forward to doing something new and different, from someone else's point-of-view about the holiday.

For those of you who also embrace change, even during the holidays, I found this cool blog post about ways to add the unexpected to the traditional Thanksgiving buffet. I thought the suggestions were pretty cool.

What does this have to do with marketing? Embrace change, even among the traditional elements of your marketing plan. Look at the brand from another's point-of-view and look for ways to freshen up the tried and true. You'll enjoy it.

What's your experience? Jim
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