InStyle, Augmented

I love magazines. Even with the iPhone, and Facebook, and all the other
jazzier things we now have to entertain ourselves, I still love to sit
down with a magazine and leaf through the pages. Nothing more
relaxing, entertaining, and sometimes educational.

And while many magazines are struggling to survive (i.e. Gourmet), I
believe that some will thrive. And here's a good example.

InStyle just announced that it is adding augmented reality to its next
issue. If you have not seen augmented reality yet, it's basically a
web-enabled 3D technology that can bring once still images to life.
Very cool.

InStyle will be using it to bring both it's cover model Taylor Swift
and it's gift giving guide to life by transforming photos into video.

Too hard to believe? Not really - read about it here in an article in WWD:

Congrats to InStyle for thriving, creatively.

What's your experience? Jim.