Weekly Resolution 3/22/10


I know it sounds stupid, but it's so hard to sit down as a family and have a meal together. With two teenage kids and so many conflicting schedules, actually finding the common time to sit at the dining table and eat as a family is nearly impossible.

But I need to make it happen a lot more often. All of us together, sitting together, eating and talking. Breaking bread as they say. I really am going to make a much more concerted effort to make it happen.

I found some inspiration for this week's resolution from Stoeffer's of all places! I'm not that familiar with the food, to be quite honest, but I do have to commend the brand for understanding the dynamics of today's families. Their new campaign "Let's Fix Dinner" includes advertising and a website that is totally on target, with profiles of different families and how they find the time to eat together. So real, so authentic, and so "American" (I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true).

Good job, Stoeffer's, for profiling the real American family and all of our struggles, and for giving me a little inspiration to spend more quality time with mine! Let's fix dinner!

What's your experience? Jim.