Dawn's Wildlife Rescue Efforts

Pure coincidence or a perfectly crafted PR move? Neither actually.

Dawn, the dish washing detergent from P&G, has long supported the protection of wildlife ever since the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. What's happening with the oil spill in the Gulf right now, and the brand's response to it, is simply another chapter in the brand's commitment to saving wildlife.

This year, on Earth Day (even before this most recent oil spill), P&G gave new resurgence to its commitment with a campaign featuring its efforts to "wash" animals affected by such man-made catastrophes. In essence, the product is so effective that it can clean oil off of a duck yet is gentle enough to not harm it. It's a pretty compelling campaign.

But it's not just an advertising campaign. The brand has long standing relationships with a number of wildlife rescue organizations, and has been making donations for relief efforts for years. Some of those efforts go to big disasters, like the one currently in the Gulf, and some for much smaller (less news grabbing) efforts.

The current packaging features the wildlife, with the brand making a $1.00 donation for every bottle sold. They are also shipping 2,000 bottles down to the Gulf for relief efforts.

A pretty incredible brand story ... one of a long-lasting commitment to really help the environment, tied to the core equity of the brand. Really being there when there's a need. Just so happens that right now, in the Gulf and in other parts of the world, the need is as high as ever.

Thank you, Dawn!

What's your experience? Jim.
