Tom's Shoes

We've seen a big surge in cause marketing the last few years, likely fueled by the recession. Interesting that in tough times, we tend to give more, which is an incredible human trait. With the surge in cause marketing comes a real demand from consumers to know what companies and brands are doing to give back. They don't want us to be shy about our efforts -- give big and shout it out!

We always advise clients that not only should their cause efforts be real, authentic, and meaningful, but they should also directly tie to the brand's essence. Do something that makes sense given the brand's equity, target market, and other marketing efforts.

One great example that I'd like to highlight is Toms Shoes. Their cause marketing is so engrained into their very being, that in fact their cause has become their brand. And probably one of the most important reasons why consumers are flocking to it.

For every pair of Toms shoes purchased, another pair of shoes is given to a child in need. One for one. So simple. So meaningful. So tied to the essence of their brand.

And they shout it out! They are not shy. They want to give shoes to kids in need, and they can only do that if we all support them. Go buy a pair here! (note, the brand is not a client, although I wish it was!)

I love it. Wish every cause effort was so impactful and so strategically aligned with the brand.

What's your experience? Jim.