Hallmark Augmented Reality

I think I saw my first demo of augmented reality about 3 years ago. There were a bunch of us in a conference room in NY and we were amazed. "It's the future!", we all said. We immediately saw applications in healthcare marketing, fashion, retail, beauty ... you name it.

It's interesting to note, though, that 3 years later we have not seem much of it ... until now!

Hallmark just introduced a line of augmented reality greeting cards. Honestly, hadn't thought about that application.

You simply give this special greeting card to your loved one, just like any other greeting card. But this one has a website code written on it. When you log in and put the greeting card up in front of your computer monitor (with video cam), the greeting card comes to life. It's augmented reality for love!

You can visit the website here. The television advertising to launch the new cards is in true Hallmark style ... completely compelling and makes you want to run out and buy one. Think I will this weekend.

Hallmark is such a classic brand. So true to its equity yet innovating through the years. Consistent at every turn. Congratulations!

What's your experience? Jim.
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