Always Menstrual App
Another day, another app ... certainly seems like that, right? Everyday there are more apps to choose from for the iPhone, iPad, Android, etc. It's fun and really helpful, but hard to keep up with for sure.
Yesterday I wrote about a new app from Robitussin. Perhaps not a new idea, but certainly a new value-added app, particularly for moms who are trying to keep their families healthy.
Today I'd like to highlight a new app from P&G's brand Always, designed to help women manage their menstrual and ovulation cycles. Sounds meaningful.
It's called Always Me, and it was designed with input from website editors, bloggers, women's health experts, physicians, and consumers. It looks to be content rich, with information on health issues, cycle timing, exercise, and even diet. The app begins with a Q&A section to help assess the user's needs. And of course there is a guide to product selection and purchase.
Always Me looks to be just the first in a long line up coming from P&G across a variety of categories including skin care, hair care, and beauty -- so stay tuned. If this app and others help women to manage getting through a hectic day (and month), then I applaud the effort. One app at a time.
What's your experience? Jim