Michelle Obama and Walmart

Wow! Is this an unlikely pair or what?! Michelle Obama (or any first lady for that matter) promoting something for Walmart? I took a double take yesterday when I read the headline on Yahoo News.

But it's true, read it here.

Michelle is helping Walmart spread the word about an initiative to bring more healthy choices to their 140million shoppers each week. More healthy foods, more instantly recognizable labeling, lower prices on better choices .... quite a few things in an effort to get Americans to adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

Even lowering the prices on produce, which I think is particularly smart.

Walmart is also helping Michelle spread the word of her "Let's Move" campaign to reduce childhood obesity. Surely the power and might of Walmart will help, as they leverage their "influence" through their vast supplier network to not only reduce prices on healthy choices but also reduce sugar content, calories, and fat.

I think it's pretty amazing. Walmart has gotten a lot of criticism over the years for a lot of things, so certainly Michelle Obama's ringing endorsement will help in that department. Perhaps even more interesting is the blurring of the lines between social issues, "government" programs, and big business. Maybe, just maybe, "we can all just get along."

Not the first time ever I suppose, but having such an iconic pairing I do believe is a breakthrough. If we are really going to stop something as important as childhood (and adult) obesity, we are going to have to unite and partner. The more unlikely the pairing the better.

What's your experience? Jim.