Favorite Moment of the Day

It's early in the morning on a Friday, and no one else is up in my house. Not even the kids. I stumble out of bed and grab a drink from the fridge and I start to write my blog post for the day.

It's my favorite moment of the day.

No one is asking me questions, I am not rifling through tons of emails, and I am certainly not on a conference call or debating the next great campaign for a consumer good.

I am all by myself, alone in my thoughts, and writing.

I wouldn't want it this way all day long. I love my work. Marketing is a team sport and I love being around people creating. But it's nice to have that moment every morning where it's just me. And I love commenting on all the great marketing I see in the marketplace and spreading the cheer through the blogger universe.

I am highlighting this today, at this moment, because it never occured to me that this time in the day was so important to my soul. Not until a writer from The Huffington Post contacted me for a story he was writing about his favorite moment of the day. He was collecting thoughts from other professionals about the moments in their day that they relish the most. He caused me to think.

We all need a little down time, a moment when we are not "on", a moment when we are not dealing with the kids, paying bills, wrestling with work issues, grocery shopping, or rushing to a meeting. A moment when it's just us. Even if it's just for 20 minutes. That's my favorite moment of the day.

What's yours? What's your experience? Jim.