Grammy PSAs

"This Valentine's Day, why give a diamond when you can give the family jewels."

The Grammy Awards were Sunday night and for me they did not disappoint. Sure the red carpet was unusually conservative for rock 'n roll, and the performances were somewhat predictable, but it was still Grammy night with all the spectacle that we've come to expect.

Cover Girl was sponsoring the GlamCam on E! Entertainment, and a lot of the Super Bowl advertisers were re-running their spots. We even got to see the full length version of the ever-so-popular VW "The Force" commercial. Love it.

I mean, c'mon, Lady Gaga made her entrance in an egg that later hatched on stage to give birth to her new song "Born This Way." Does it get any better?

All well and good, but for me what stole the night were the PSAs (public service announcements). Ricky Martin did one for the American Cancer Society, further promoting their campaign about celebrating birthdays. What a nice thought - they help you celebrate another birthday as a cancer survivor. It was good to see Ricky Martin back in action, silver pants and all.

The big surprise of the night came from another cancer PSA from CBS Cares, encouraging men to get tested for testicular cancer for the sake of their loved ones. "This Valentine's Day, why give a diamond when you can give the family jewels." I was a bit shocked at first, especially coming from CBS during prime time. Then the more I thought about it, the more I smiled and realized how absolutely clever it was.

All this while I was tweeting live at #GrammyEXP, getting the reactions of fellow marketers and friends. We had quite a string going when Justin Bieber didn't make artist of the year. Just as engaging as the show itself.

I can tell you from personal experience with several friends and family members that cancer sucks. So I was happy to see such positive messaging coming to us on a night when our thoughts may be in other places. Good work.

What's your experience? Jim.

PS - A bunch of us will be tweeting live during the Oscars at #OscarEXP. Join us!