The Oscars

Unless you live under a rock, you know that last night was The Academy Awards. And boy did they disappoint. I was hosting a live Twitter party online (#OscarExp), and the sentiment amongst the Tweeters was that the hosts lost it at "hello."

I have to say ... the glamour is gone. This is Hollywood, with movie making and story telling and starlets and leading men. I'm afraid that young Hollywood has forgotten. Very little class, it was very disappointing. Sure Anne Hathaway was sporting the fashion like never before and James Franco was in fact cute with the backstage flipcam, but it just wasn't enough to carry a three hour show.

But we were online to talk about the marketing, not necessarily the show or the hosts or the fashion. Have to admit that we couldn't help ourselves! It stayed pretty nice either way.

The sponsors were certainly in full force, and they got their fair share of the commentary last night as well. Here are some highlights I paid notice to between the tweets and statues and the sequins.

Living Social. This local aggregator of sales and deals (my words, not theirs) seems to understand advertising a lot better than Groupon.

Diet Coke. I'll admit that I don't really like "Stay Extraordinary" because I think it's a complete over- sell for any no calorie soda, but the creative expression is pretty well done.

American Express. The brand's efforts to help small businesses is nothing short of inspiring. The brand understands that small business is what will bring us economic recovery, and they are certainly doing their part.

Dancing with the Stars. Very cute promos for the upcoming season, teasing us with who will be in the cast. Also a very clever contest with Dove, featuring Jennie Garth, where a consumer can win a walk-on role (or is that a dance-on role?).

JCPenney. By far the biggest advertiser, with countless executions to launch their new campaign and their new logo. Certainly had the timing right, talking about fashion during pop culture's biggest fashion moment of the year. Great insights about turning "must have" items into "can have" items because the brand makes it affordable. Great use of bloggers, brand tie-ins, and magazine partnerships.

Weight Watchers. Although not an official sponsor, the brand didn't have to be last night. Did you take a look at Jennifer Hudson, the current spokesperson? That's all the advertising you need, sign me up!

I had a blast with my other tweet mates and want to thank them for the lively discussion and for hanging in there the whole night. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the evening is the fact that the social media surrounding the event is more entertaining and informative than the event itself!

What's your experience? Jim.