
Winning. Well it certainly is the word of the week (as my sister Lynn says) and the pop culture trend of the moment, all thanks to our friend Charlie Sheen.

Not sure how I feel about it.

On the one hand, it's fabulous. This inescapable American desire to excel, to conquer odds, to fight the good fight and come on top. I love it, I do it every day, we all do it every day.

But on the other hand, it's coming from, well, a weird place. Hard to feel good about where it's coming from, I'm sorry to say. He has certainly seized the moment, which is what winning is all about. And he certainly has captured all of our attention and he's clearly turning it into profit. He certainly, in many ways, is living the American dream.

As I continue to think it through, winning (excuse me, #winning) is what marketing is all about as well. We work to get just the right branding and positioning nailed down, with just the right target audience, to be in a place where we can sell more than our competition, so that we can come out on top. Marketing is all about #winning.

I think I'm just going to go with it, focus on the positive side of all of this (not much else that I can personally do). I'm going to ride the wave of positive sentiment and all that #winning is about. I'm going to drink some #tigerblood and make this my day.

Charlie Sheen, thanks for that. Now please go get some help, that's part of the American dream too.

What's your experience? Jim.