J.Crew and Some Pink Nail Polish

There was a whirlwind of controversy last week surrounding J.Crew -- a brand that although I don't purchase often I do have profound respect for. Even wrote a lot about it in my book. J.Crew has created a wonderful brand experience regardless of how you engage either online, in-store, or via the catalog. Very social media savvy as well.

Last week a communication (an email blast) went out to their customer database featuring their now becoming famous Creative Director Jenna Lyons. "Saturday with Jenna" featured her spending a Saturday at home with her son. The photographer captured a lovely bonding moment of the two of them together. The "problem" is that she painted his toenails pink. She lovingly commented that she was lucky to have a son who likes the color pink.

The comments they started a flying. "She's going to make him gay."  "Why is J.Crew promoting transgender behavior?"  "He's going to need psycho-therapy."

Gimme a break. I'm not even going to comment on any of that, it doesn't deserve a response.  I'll let Jon Stewart comment.

But what I am going to comment on is Jenna. At first I thought "how brave" of her. And then I realized that it wasn't bravery at all. She is doing what comes naturally. She probably didn't even think about it.  She is having a loving moment with her son. A J.Crew moment that is completely consistent with the brand and with her as the "spokesperson" for the brand. Comfortable clothes to enjoy a weekend with your family and friends. Perfect.

If that wonderful moment includes giving your son a pink manicure, who cares? That's what J.Crew is all about with Jenna as the creative inspiration.  I personally think the message communicated was pretty inspiring.

Whats your experience? Jim.
Jim JosephJ.CrewComment