Let's Grab A Beer

My house would be perfect for "customized television advertising" -- where cable companies know my media and spending habits and therefore only show me advertising that is customized to my attitudes and behaviors.

I don't buy beer and I'm not a beer drinker. So when I see beer advertising, I don't really get it. Even from a creativity standpoint, even as a marketer I don't really get it. Goes right over my head. So advertising beer to my household is a waste of media money. Clearly, I am not the target market.

So it took one of my students at NYU to show me why. It's all about the consumer behavior, a lesson that I always speak about. Start with the consumer!

Beer brands are targeted to young men, and therefore beer ads are written and created to appeal to young men. Young straight men. Single young straight men. Single young straight men who hang out with other single young straight men.

Now not ALL beer, but the vast majority and certainly the big big brands.

What's the most popular thing that young straight men say to each other? "Let's Grab A Beer". For any reason. To talk about work, talk about girls, relax after going to the gym, happy hour, after a long day at work, hang out and watch tv -- you name it. They are always "Let's Grab A Beer" when ever there is downtime or something to talk about.

So the advertising is geared toward that culture. "Let's Grab A Beer."

Now I get it. The advertising is tapping into that mentality, tapping into that consumer behavior. That specific consumer behavior. Now I get it.

See you can teach an old dog new tricks!

What's your experience? Jim.