
This is pretty typical with how I get my news these days ... I just discovered a "movement" on Twitter that is in its third year:  Movember.  Can't believe that I didn't notice it before, because it's very cool and it's getting bigger and bigger as we speak.  It's even gone global.  These guys have it going on!

Every November (or rather, "Movember"), men get (virtually) together and grow mustaches (mostly old school style) in support of men's health issues, mostly prostate cancer.  By growing, trimming, waxing, and then eventually shaving their mustaches, these men raise awareness and funding for research and early detection --- an area that women's health issues have had tremendous success.  This is just not an issue that men have paid great attention to, so it's awesome to see a group who is really trying to change that. Livestrong is a part of the movement as well.

Guys do it alone or are even organizing groups to get funding sponsors ... and bringing people together.  It's fun to see guys change their profile pics on Facebook and Twitter in support.  Keeps the momentum going.

Movember is exceptionally socially savvy.  Twitter parties, a mobile app, picture gallery, fundraising assistance ... you name it.  The movement is quite organized.  I just love all the pics ... makes me so happy and inspired ... makes me want to start growing facial hair!

Guys can even create their own profiles so that you can follow their progress.  Here's one from my friend Norbert for Movember Canada.

Cosmo UK is even doing a Celebrity Man Watch in honor of Movember!

Now here's one for the cool meter:  Mr. Clean is growing a 'stach in honor of Movember.  It grows and grows based on the number of likes!

So friggin' cool.  What's your experience?  Jim.