Justin with Mariah at Macy's

You may not have ever thought you'd read a blog post here about Justin Bieber, and I wouldn't blame you. But the truth is that one of my agencies actually worked with Team Bieber to launch his first run at a fragrance product, and actually organized his cover on WWD at the time.

But I'm not here to talk about that ... I'm going to talk about a brilliant stroke of marketing genius from the Bieber that has me in awe.  Marketing awe.

Just last week I wrote about his commercial for Black Friday at Macy's, which also launched his new fragrance.  It was the best commercial of the Black Friday season.  But I thought that was about it ... turns out there is so much more.

Along with his new fragrance, Justin Bieber also launched his holiday album, which debuted at #1.  He is the first male artist to debut at #1 with a holiday album.  Ever.  But there's more.

King Bieber also recorded a remake of the pop classic song from Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas Is You."  Is your toe tapping?  That song from Mariah was the first holiday song to reach one million downloads -- it quickly became a new holiday classic.  The kicker is that Justin did the remake WITH Mariah Carey.  And filmed the video in the Macy's flagship store.  In the fragrance department.  Geeeeennnnius.

Right at a time when a teen dream could see the end of his career, he puts together a series of well coordinated marketing moves to continue to elevate his stature in the industry.  Both music and consumer products.  And it's working, clearly.  Plus he got a new do ... much more mature.

The man (yes, man) clearly has a marketing machine that knows what they are doing.  Carefully progressing him into the next stage of his career.  With a little help from a pop diva, a consumer product, a new cut, and a well organized brand experience.  Good moves!

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President of Lippe Taylor
Author of The Experience Effect

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