Christmas Tree Memories

We spent the last weekend getting the house ready for the holidays .... decorating, meal planning, shopping, and even wrapping.  It's literally the most wonderful time of the year, so we make it a month-long process.

The best part?  The ornaments!  I hope you don't think I'm crazy ... but we put up five trees around the house, all with a different theme and a different collection of ornaments.  One is filled with Santas and toys, one is filled with silver and gold pieces, and one with a huge assortment of ornaments that we have collected through the years.

Holiday decorating is so much fun because as we unpack each and every ornament by hand (hundreds and hundreds of them), and we remember where and when we bought it, and how happy it makes us feel each and every time.  For us, the holidays are all about family and friends ... and the memories that we've shared through the years, especially now that the kids are starting to get older and that tree is filled with so many years of memories.

The ornaments and the decorations are symbols of every year together.  We loaded it up with a few new ones this year as well, including one of the White House which is this year's favorite.

Last year's was from Penn State, when my daughter was a Freshman.

It just brings me happiness during one of the happiest times of the year.  Dare I say it ... ok here I go ... it's a part of my brand!

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU