HBO's "Girls"

HBO's "Girls"
After hearing all the hype on The Golden Globes and feeling a little left out, I watched a few back episodes of Girls on HBO this weekend.

I have to say that at first it reminded me of a younger, modern day Sex in the City, also from HBO back in the day.  A tale of a few women friends who are trying to make it in the big city, struggling all along the way.  A boyfriend here, a gay character there ... it had shades of its fore bearers.  Sex scenes and all.

On further viewing, though, not so much.  It's much grittier and much more raw then Carrie and Samantha ever were, and a bit more depressing.  I watched a few shows and had to take a break.  Sex in the City had a brightness to it ... so much so that I could watch episodes over and over again.

Sex in the City was a bit fantastical and Girls is, well, much more real.

HBO's "Sex in the City"
It's definitely unique for sure, mostly because Lena Dunham conceived it, writes it, directs it, and produces it.  Amazing.  I can totally see the sensation, and it's probably not fair to compare it to any other show.  It stands on its own.

Why did I like watching it?  Yes, but not necessarily for its entertainment value.  I love watching pop culture phenomenons and shows that take us into the lives of people ... it's a glimpse into our consumers and what they are going through.

I'm certainly not in that target, so it's incredibly interesting and insightful to watch them play out their day to day struggles and to feel some of their emotions.  Even if it's through Hollywood lens.

Will this show have the longevity of its predecessors?  Not sure, but for now it's great market research.  One thing for sure, it's certainly continuing HBO's brand of unique, ground breaking, creative television.

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU