Clear Your Plate

File this under "novel."  More restaurant news, this time out of Japan where there's a restaurateur who is penalizing its patrons for not clearing their plates.  Sounds like what Mom used to say.  It kind of makes sense, though.

You can see a quick slide show here.  It's the Hachikiyo Seafood restaurant, and it serves some pretty amazing delicacies.

There's no reason to be wasting food when so many around the world don't have enough.  So this restaurant is tacking on a charity donation to any bill where there is still food left on the plate.  The argument is that a lot of work went into preparing the food, so if you are not going to eat it then you have to give a donation to those in need.  Interesting ...

I guess if your eyes are bigger than your stomach, then your wallet will pay.

Do people care?  Seems not ... I think they kind of like the concept in general. It's really just a creative spin on giving back, and if you can afford to go to this particular restaurant then you can afford to give back a little.  Or simply order wisely.

What do you think?  What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU