A Twitter Romance

I guess it was bound to happen.  It was inevitable.  We just recently had what looks to be our first Twitter romance bloom into a Twitter marriage proposal ... all for the community to watch and participate.

Now I remember when online dating sites were first taking hold.  It was a bit scandalous, actually.   There was a bit of a stigma attached to them, quite inappropriately.  Almost as if there was something wrong with you that you couldn't find someone "offline" or "in real life."  How ridiculous now when you think about it!

Then, as we now know, the online world became THE place to meet potential soul mates with a staggering percentage of people now meeting friends and lovers online.  Some through dating services and others just being out and about online.

So it was only a matter of time when it would happen in social media.  I know that I myself have made many many new friends in social media, and some I've had the pleasure of meeting IRL now too.

Just a week or so ago two big social media gurus, who met on Twitter, got engaged.  Right in the middle of a Twitter # chat that one of them was hosting.  Much to the instant amazement of all the chat participants.  Floods of congratulations soon followed, and continue to do so.  Turns out that it wasn't the first on Twitter after all, although perhaps the first with a # attached!  The groom in this case made a Vine video and posted it during the chat.  So cute!

Like anything else, criticism soon followed as well.  Some say this is the socializing of romance and that it's going to kill real romance.  Fooey (and that's a technical term).  When ever and where ever two people can connect and build a relationship is just fine by me.  Doesn't matter who the two people are or what kind of relationship they build.  People coming together is a good thing.  If social media can help, then I say "WOOT!"

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
- President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
- Author, The Experience Effect series
- Professor, NYU
- Contributor, Entrepreneur