
Maybe it's because I just recently hit a milestone birthday myself, but normally this is something I probably would have never noticed.


It's an online dating service for folks over 50, to meet other folks over 50.

Why so interesting?

Well first of all, the fact that someone is finally recognizing that people over 50 are often single and dating is a major accomplishment in our youth-obsessed culture.  Bravo!

And secondly, because this is the age bracket that was likely to dismiss online dating when it first came out.  I remember.  People were skeptical about it because of privacy and fear of being "taken."  It was a slow build, and even then most people wouldn't admit to using an online service.  It somehow felt shady.  At first.

But then it caught hold.  And now those same people, over 50 now, have their own site.

Not to mention, the acknowledgement that people over 50 might want to meet someone else over 50, not necessarily someone younger.  I like that, and I find it kind of fascinating.

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
- President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
- Author, The Experience Effect series
- Professor, NYU
- Contributor, Entrepreneur