Brand of the Year

One of the best parts of the end of the year are all of the end of the year lists.  Can't get enough of them.

So I thought I'd start out the season with my vote for "Brand of the Year."  While it's been an amazing year of many marketing feats, this was an easy choice for me.

Oreo:  Brand of the Year.  It's not easy staying fresh, especially when you are a household icon that's been around for over 100 years.  And it's not easy finding that ongoing mix of digital and traditional media; even the newer brands struggle.

Oreo stormed into the year with its now infamous "Dunk in the Dark," leaving every consumer saying "how did they do that" and every brand saying "I want to do that."  From that moment in the Super Bowl, Oreo has been pushing out fresh messaging right in tune to pop culture events, but never straying  from its core heritage.  We are all still dunking and twisting and licking and crunching our way across package after package.  I'll admit that I hadn't bought an Oreo in years, but I certainly did this year.

So hats off to Oreo, brand of the year.

Just to make it interesting, I thought I'd mention two runners up if you don't mind.

Starbucks:  First Runner Up.  Starbucks has certainly been a trail blazer in how a brand should (or shouldn't) get involved in social issues, never being afraid to be at the center of the discussion.  Bravo!

Shinola.  Second Runner Up.  This new kid on the block is looking to bring manufacturing back to America, specifically to Detroit, via the age old craft of watch making.  And doing it with style, precision, and commmitment.  Very impressive.
I'd love to hear your pics ... what's your experience?  Jim.

PS:  Stay tuned for my top ten marketing moments and top ten favorite blog posts coming right before the new year.  Always great fun!