Oreo Trending at SXSW

I picked Oreo as my 2013 "Brand of the Year" for a good reason:  it knows how to keep things fresh.  Sure, "dunk in the dark" could have been a shot in the dark, but the brand has kept up its pop culture presence ever since, with in the moment tweets and real-time marketing that has keeps the 100+ year old brand alive and kicking.

Even at a crowded place like SXSW ... and trust me, it's hard to break through with anything at SXSW.

A brand new vending machine made the scene there with technology that picks up trending preferences from Twitter and dispenses them to would be buyers.  Using a touch screen, you can pick what flavor combinations and cool prints are getting the most attention and hit select ... then a sample comes out within two minutes.

It's called "Trending Vending," and it's pretty darn cool ... at just the right venue IMHO.

What's your experience?  JIM.