The Cover of Vogue

Not since the Boston Bomber made the cover of Rolling Stone has a magazine cover caused so much social stir.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are currently taking that title position for one of the world's most iconic covers ... Vogue.  If not THE world's most iconic covers.

The magazine is touting them #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple.  That may have been the starting point for a lot of social media commentary, much of it not so complimentary.

Whether they merit the cover or not is left to personal opinion.  And while I'm not sure they merit the attention it's caused, there certainly is a lot of attention being paid to it.  Word has it that Kanye begged for the cover, but I think that's just speculation.

The Muppets took the opportunity to embrace the topic as did Seth Rogan and James Franco, among others.

For me, the lesson here is in the power of branding.  The cover of Vogue clearly means something to people; something powerful.  It means something to Kim and Kayne for sure ... and it certainly means something to the legions of people who have a strong, emotional point of view about it.

That part is pretty cool.  For any brand to have such powerful cultural significance that it can stir these kinds of emotions is pretty incredible.  I'd say that's true of all "brands" involved TBH.

What's your experience?  JIM.