Misty Copeland for Under Armour

Continuing my post from yesterday about AdWeek's top 10 advertising spots of the year ... I also just had to comment on this spot from Under Armour featuring Misty Copeland.  We talked about it a great deal in my NYU class this week, to such rave reviews.

It is sheer brilliance, on so many levels and for so many brands.

Under Armour.  I've personally never thought about the brand in this context.  Under Armour is showing us another side, a much more graceful and fluid aspect of performance ... in contrast to what might otherwise be perceived as a "rough and tumble" kind of brand.  The stuff that Tough Mudder is made of.  This is still about a tough performance, and it's still about excellence ... but in a different form.  It ultimately casts new light on what the Under Armour brand is all about, likely opening a new market/target for the brand.

Misty Copeland.  I don't personally know much about her brand, but now I do.  So inspiring!  How her own story of achievement over obstacles makes her brand soar.  Hopefully, she's helping others to overcome their own struggles as well.

Personal Branding.  The call to action is amazing ... "I Will What I Want."  It's a personal branding rally cry that we all can relate to.  I feel like I've had to will my way through things in life too, and this kind of messaging helps to motivate me to keep on moving on.  Will power can do amazing things.

This is what good marketing should do:  inspire and motivate, whether you buy that particular brand or not.  I have a feeling though, it helped in that department too.

What's your experience?  JIM