Lip Sync Battle

Lip Sync Battle. It's the surprise hit of the Spring, and seemingly came out of no where.

The concept started as a skit on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show, instantly sparking a social media movement that drove it to become a regular full-length show on Spike TV.

The show is as simple as it gets, and that's what amazing about it. Celebrities compete against each other doing something that we all do...lip sync to our favorite songs. Round one is just with a microphone, and then round two allows for costumes and props. Oh yes there are costumes and props!

Anne Hathaway hit it out of the park last week, propelling the shows awareness with her version of "Wrecking Ball."

The interesting part about the show isn't actually watching's the video viewing that occurs after broadcast and all of the social commentary that spins afterwards. This isn't appointment television, it's social television as people jump to YouTube to watch the video that all of their friends are talking about from the night before.

It sucked me in. Once I hear the chatter, I search and watch. And sing along.

What's your experience? JIM.