Bye Bye American ... Idol

I was a fan of American Idol from the first episode of the first season. I was there when Justin met Kelly, and I was there in the moment when Kelly Clarkson had "a moment like this."

To say that American Idol was a sensation is not giving it justice. It was a marketing machine...from branded integrations with Coke and Ford to the pumping out of pop stars with instant #1 songs. It fueled the music industry year and after and it satisfied our desire for the Cinderella story, the sing along, the competition, and for the viewing of pure, live, unadulterated talent. The finales were like watching the Super Bowl...but even better.

Talent. That's what American Idol was all about and many a brand rode the train. I even presented a case study after season two about how the show had transformed product integration and entertainment marketing. Because it did.

But now it's over, perhaps even a season or two too late. Even I lost interest a few years ago. After repeated ratings slides and tough competition ramping up the game, it's time to say goodbye to American Idol. That's ok, it happens. Time to move on. more season with one more round of talent and one more round of judging. And of course, you know the reunions will be popping up all over. I live for it. I'm in for another last season.

What's your experience? JIM