
I remember the feeling like it was yesterday...the moment I found out that I was going to be a dad.

It's not like I had been obsessing about having kids my entire life, I just always envisioned that at some point I would be a dad. It has just always been a part of my DNA.

Which is why my eyes welled up when I saw the Father's Day video from Dove Men + Care, where the brand celebrates that magical moment when men find out that they are going to be dads.

For me personally, that moment was a moment I'd been waiting for. It's not that I spent my life obsessing about having kids, not at all. I just always saw myself being a dad. At some point. I'm lucky to say that that moment happened for me twice.

I'll let the video speak for itself.

I will say this: I LOVE the mix of dads. Every flavor, every variety...exactly as it should be.

And I will also say this: it was not this way back in the day when I had my kids in the early 1990's. Fathers were no where near as recognized as the active caregivers that they are today. Brands barely mentioned us at all, and when they did it was usually in dad-bashing mode. It was offensive if I'm going to be honest.

But I love the place we've come to, and I want to thank brands like Dove Men+Care for doing us right.

What's your experience? JIM.

PS - I've just released my new book that chronicles my journey as a dad: "Out and About Dad." Click here if you'd like to view it on