Target Halloween 2015

Just in time for one of the biggest holidays of the year, and certainly one of the biggest drinking and partying moments of the year, Target released on online video series that allows viewers to celebrate Halloween while interacting and shopping with entirely themed content.

It's quite cool...and a shining example of the current "content is king" mantra of marketers du jour. Including an easy-to-use linkage to sales...something most content marketers have been scratching their heads about.

Leave it to Target.

The kick-off video is called "The House on Hallow Hill" --- a haunted house that opens up a buffet of windows that takes viewers through a Halloween tale with "click to buy" options all along the way. The "hook" is that a raven has stolen your smart phone so you have to go into the house to try and find it, room by room.

Quite brilliant.

The brand makes it almost impossible not to engage.

Great fun. What's your experience?  JIM.