Event Television - As Witnessed by the Grammy Awards

(this article also appears on Huffington Post - click here to read it there)

Something very interesting happened on the way to the Grammy Awards this year.

The new age of event television has conditioned us to only watch network television when it's live...Super Bowl, Golden Globes, and even a live Broadway Show.

So it's no surprise that the Grammy Awards this year was all about event television...watching the action live and in real time so that you can also comment on it via social media.

First there was Adele...sound issues ended up showcasing her as a true consummate professional. But we knew that all along.

And then there was Gaga. We knew she'd be doing a tribute to David Bowie. Based on her Super Bowl performance and her Sound of Music medley, we knew we'd be in for a treat. But then Itel got involved with teasers indicating a breakthrough in technology via her performance. While many were left scratching their heads, the collaboration did set a new expectation in live musical performance...and the technology that brings it to life.

Finally, there was a big surprise that ultimately ushered in a new era of brand engagement for live television...Gwen Stefani's live video with Target. I for one am still trying to figure out how she pulled it off, especially after falling on her roller skates, but it was a moment to remember as she brought back her voice and tied it to retailer Target.

Oh what a night for live television, appointment television, event television...and branding.

What is your experience?  JIM