America's Breakfast Debate 2016

Admittedly, this is more than a little cheesy but I think we could use a little levity right now.

Drafting off the Presidential election, the arguments, and the debates, Bisquick is running a campaign where Waffles are running against Pancakes to be the clear choice for America's breakfast. Let's face it...this is an age old rivalry that's really never been solved. Which one makes a better breakfast candidate?

I see your eyes rolling, but just suspend belief and dig in.

Each "candidate" has its own valid argument, just like you could say in the real Presidential election.

Here's "Make America Pancakes Again..."

And here's the pitch for Waffles...

What say you? #VotePancakes or #Vote Waffles? It's a tough choice.

Despite what you might say about the production of it all, it's just plain fun to see a brand insert itself in pop culture and spin it a bit. It puts a heritage brand like Bisquick into the middle of what's relevant today, in a light entertaining way. And nothing more than that. What's not to love, provided you don't take it all too seriously. With syrup on top, how could you? And there's a lot of syrup on top of the real election if you ask me!

What's your experience?  JIM