Market Like You Give a Damn

I've been at the Holmes Global PR Summit this week, it was the fifth year for the Summit and it gets better every year! I love the theme and hashtag...@PRovoke16!

As an agency, we really enjoy participating and I personally find it exhilarating to be around our industry's finest. So inspiring.

This year for our contribution, we tackled the topic of Building Human Brands and our guest was author Afdhel Aziz who just released his book Good is the New Cool, Market Like You Give a Damn.

Market Like You Give A Damn. BTW, that is exactly what makes you (as a brand) human.

Afdhel has turned CSR on its head...with a call to action to make sure that as marketers we don't just advertise but we solve a problem. Intriguing and inspiring at the same time.

The question is...what problem? Epic? Everyday? Politically polarizing? Socially risky?

Your brand must be the judge on this question, based on your brand values, offering, and consumer desires.

We talked about Citi-Bikes, Facebook, Kenneth Cole, Skittles, Target, the NBA, and Coca-Cola among other great brands doing great work in this space.

Here's our session, if you'd like to take a look, and learn some more. Click here to get a view.

Or if you prefer the written word, click here to get a read.

Think about... how can you market like you give a damn? What problem can you solve? What's your experience? JIM