Martha's Meal Kits

Just recently, Amazon filed for a trademark to get into the meal kit business...looking to give Blue Apron a run for its money.

Well evidently Martha Stewart (yes she's alive and well) is already there with Martha & Marley Spoon...meal kits that get delivered to your door so you can pop together dinner for the evening.

"Cook Martha's Best Recipes," as the brand says.

A given for Martha fans for sure, and quite smart actually. Back in the day, her fan base could have easily supported this business and surely they are still banking on that happening.

But she's not alone in the space. There are tons of "make at home" options, with more popping up by the minute. I'm anxious to see how these various brands within the space start to differentiate themselves...because on a functional benefit basis they all appear to be the same.

Is "Martha" enough to win at this game?

And as I teach in my NYU class all the time, you're never going to win on functional benefits. It's the emotional benefits that make a brand, so it'll be interesting to see how the brand's leverage their various emotions.

What do you think? What's your experience? JIM