Genetic Testing at a Football Game?

Branded parternships and sports -- it's the stuff that games are made of. We are used to Coca-Cola, Budweiser, and any other brand promoting its goods on-site and on-air at football, baseball, and soccer stadiums. No problem, and in fact sports and brands kinda go hand in hand if I'm to be honest. Or at least the brands known to partner with sports.

But an unusual partner popped up at the game yesterday in Baltimore: Orig3n Genetic Testing.

What say what?!? Testing your genes at a football game? Not Levi's jeans but your own genes!

Yes indeed, brand Orig3n was on hand at the Baltimore Ravens game yesterday handing out genetic tests to fans...and in fact encouraging them to take the test on site and drop the "swabs" in bins to be tested and reported back.

The brand offered tests on three genetic markers...with the ability to go online and do more.

And this just in...this isn't the brand's first football collaboration. Oh no. The company partnered with the San Francisco 49ers last year, for a multi-year effort to collect medical data to advance their scientific studies. Fascinating to see science, marketing, data collection, user engagement, and football all coming together. Whoa.

Certainly makes all that soda and beer promotion seem a bit, well, 2016.

What do you think? Game to do some genetic testing at a game? What's your experience? JIM