Pariah Men's Underwear

There's a new line of men's underwear out there that is looking to change the world...the men’s health world that is. The brand's aim is to help provide men's healthcare to those underserved and under-informed and to specifically educate about testicular self-exams with the ultimate goal of eliminating testicular cancer.

Ok, kinda makes sense coming from a men’s underwear brand. Keep going...

It's called Pariah underwear. And while the imagery is very sexy and very “underwear," the message is uniquely clear for the skivvy category: make sure you don't suffer from testicular cancer and support the brand that helps you get there.

Each package comes with an educational pamphlet and each item sold contributes 50% of the sale price to research. So $5.00 from a $9.95 brief goes to researching a cure for testicular cancer (and other men's health issues). Not bad.

Plus the product has a "new" technology called CLEANCOOL that helps to eliminate odor.

I'm sold on Pariah. What's your experience? JIM