Pride Sneakers 2018

We are definitely living in a sneaker culture. And this is where the younger generations are influencing the older generations (like me) to weave sneakers into our every day wardrobes.

The creativity is hitting record highs, with sneakers from unlikely collaborations and for virutally any occasion.

Like the Converse Plays I just got for Father's Day that are Converse x Commes d Garcons.
Like Pride...from virtually every brand! So fun, so creative!

Here's just a collection of the 2018 collection. Where them with Pride! I for one have a pair of high top Converse!

It's almost like you're not a sneaker brand if you don't have a Pride collection!

Even the luxury brands are getting in the Pride game, like Gucci!

More, more, more!

Even the classics are coming back!

With Pride creativity at their core!

Which ones will you wear? What's your experience? JIM.