Nike's 30th Anniversary of "Just Do It"

I've gotten more requests for comment on the recent Nike campaign than I have for any other topic the entire time I've been blogging.

And to tell you the truth, I've kind of avoided any commentary because I don't want to get into a heated political debate...I write about marketing and I'd only like to comment on the this case especially.

But it's gotten to the point where I have to comment because the impact of this single campaign is one for the history books. I need not give you the background, because if you are reading this then I'm sure you know the details. The campaign celebrates Nike's 30th Anniversary of its legendary "Just Do It" slogan and it features Colin Kaepernick with a message of motivation.

The impact was immediate with social commentary, consumer outrage and consumer support, knock-off ads, and Nike responses...and now just a short time later Nike is reporting a $6billion market lift from the campaign. Unprecedented.

Truthfully with all the hype, I think we've lost the fact that it's Nike's 30th anniversary of its legendary tagline. Can't even begin to tell you how many clients have asked me for their own version of "Just Do It" through the years!

But back to the point...when a campaign has this kind of impact, then there's something amazing going on...we have a brand! A brand! Yes indeed, Nike isn't a pair of sneakers or a performance t-shirt, it's a set of emotions and values and motivations that sets it apart from any of its competitors who also sell sneakers and performance t-shirts. Those emotions, values, and motivations are what engage consumers, or not. Those emotions, values, and motivations are what brings a brand and a community together...a community that shares those emotions, values, and motivations.

Nike is a brand. And you either buy into that brand or you don't. Consumers get to vote, not only on social media but also with their wallets. Just like with any other campaign or brand.

What's your experience? JIM.