Can Art Heal?

At this point in my career, I've worked across virtually every major healthcare therapeutic area and in almost all of those areas exercise has been a part the treatment regimen for patients. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and drug therapy has generally been the course to getting better, and brands have embraced that treatment regimen.

I've also personally felt like exercise can cure a lot of evils.

Well now, according to some, we can add art to the course of therapy as well.

Doctors in Montreal are now medically allowed to prescribe visits to the art museum as part of a prescription to health. Up to 50 visits a year for both patients and caregivers.

Makes perfect sense. We've long thought that artwork can be part of restorative "medicine" and I've seen many caregiving facilities and pharmaceutical brands incorporate some sort of art into their programs. But in my experience, I'm not sure I've ever seen doctors actually prescribe art. 

But I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of it, and I have a feeling we'll be seeing brands pick up a paint brush and join in! What's your experience? JIM.

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