KFC's Chickendales

Oh boy…


Looks like KFC has decided to celebrate Mother’s Day in a unique way, yet oddly in a tried and true way…with male strippers. “Chickendales” to be exact. Ha, get it?!? Took about 1.3 seconds!

And BTW, the lead looks a lot like the new Colonel. :)

If you want to wish your mom a happy day, you can make her day by sending her a “customized” video where the Chickendales tear off their shirts and eventually their pants…customized with your mom’s name and state of residence. But before she (or you for that matter) can see the video, she has to watch a quick ad about KFC’s new dessert biscuits created in partnership with Cinnabon. Cinnabon…ha, get it?!? Took about 1.3 seconds!


For me, I found the Cinnabon part a lot more fascinating than the Chickendales part, TTYTT. But then again I am a marketer. But then again, you could also argue that each is borrowing equity to gather attention. Borrowed equity can advance your brand along quite a bit, if done right. Consumers will let us know if this is done right.

Happy Day, Mom! What’s your experience? JIM