The Unbreakable Rainbow from Ben & Jerry's

File this under perseverance supported by creativity and technology…with a little help from a brand.

This beautiful rainbow structure was created in 2017 in Warsaw, Poland as a symbol of LGBT+ rights…in a country where Marriage Equality has not yet passed and where there are many threats to the rights and wellbeing of the LGBT+ community.

Located at a very busy intersection downtown, over the years it has been vandalized and repaired over and over again to the point of despair.

Until brand Ben & Jerry’s came along, a long time supporter of the LGBT+ community.

Just in time for Warsaw Pride this year, the Love Does Not Exclude Association, along with Ben & Jerry’s, put up a new rainbow monument that is unbreakable. Unbreakable because it uses a constant stream of light and water to create the rainbow…one that can never be broken.

Love always wins.


Happy Pride! What’s your experience? JIM