"This One's For You" - Barry Manilow


Yesterday I wrote about my experience (and it was an experience) seeing Barry Manilow for the first time in concert. He’s one of the iconic legend must-see performers, at least on my list.

Barry is an amazing entertainer, and I just loved hearing his stories of growing up and progressing through the music industry as he built his career. And as he wrote his songs.

The most inspiring story was the one behind his mega-hit This One’s For You, which sounds like a love story at first listen but is actually a tribute to his grandfather. Evidently his grandfather saw Barry’s talent at a young age, and encouraged and pushed and literally physically brought him to a music booth in Manhattan where he could practice recording songs. Barry was only interested in writing songs at that time, not necessarily singing them yet his grandfather continued to believe in him and push him. He didn’t think he could sing until his grandfather proved him otherwise.

Years later when Barry performed at Carnegie Hall for the first time, his grandfather sat proudly in the first row. Well he didn’t exactly sit. After his first song, Barry’s grandfather stood up to clap and the entire audience followed along, giving Barry his first standing ovation. His grandfather remained standing for the entire performance.

This One’s For You is for Barry’s grandfather. An incredible tribute to family, encouragement, love, believing, and fatherhood. The power of fatherhood.

Thank you Barry for sharing your story. JIM