Much Ado About Chicken


I’ve never heard so much about chicken in my (marketing) life ever before. What is going on?

What I think is going on is that Popeyes (a once quiet chicken player) is entering the game HARD and challenging chicken giant Chick-fil-A.

Popeyes new chicken sandwich created lines blocks long…I mean we generally only see that when there’s a new iPhone. This is a chicken sandwich! Maybe a good one, a really good one, but still a chicken sandwich!

News today is that Popeyes has run out…no more new chicken sandwiches. It was a test after all, and maybe a test to see if it can go head to head with the leader. Seems that is exactly the case.

And BTW, if you haven’t noticed, Popeyes has new locations popping up all over the place in neighborhoods, high traffic areas, airports…where ever a chicken sandwich would fit the bill. But what really caused the stir is all of the social activity. Brilliant social marketing, I do have to say, proving that social posts can drive sales. Big time.

Now of course every other chicken brand has joined the chorus of online noise which has only added to the mayhem.

We haven’t seen this kind of a war since the Cola Wars. Bring it on! What’s next?!?

Do we have a new leader on the horizon? Can we have chicken on Sundays now :)

What’s your experience? JIM