Mr Peanut - Timing Can Be Almost Everything


When it comes to marketing, timing can be almost everything…and we are seeing an excellent example unfold right now.

As part of its Super Bowl campaign this year, Planters did a pre-game stunt where it essentially killed off its long-tenured and apparently beloved spokesperson Mr. Peanut. He fictionally died in a crash.

Literally days later, we all know what happened to Kobe Bryant.

Rightfully so, the brand immediately suspended promotion of the campaign and stopped any further content distribution. But it does have plans to “air” the funeral during the big game which at this point of writing is still planned to happen.

Which clearly begs a few questions. Should brands worry about the parallels between fiction and reality? Are all spokespeople, real or imagined, inherently risky? Do stunts like this work? Is the fact that we are talking about it mean that it all worked anyway?

What’s your take? Continue with the plans as planned? Or scrap the whole campaign? What’s your experience? JIM

PS - We’ll be watching and chatting about all of the ads during the big game on Twitter at #SuperBowlExp.