"Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" #MusicMonday


In last week’s #MusicMonday, I established the fact that I’m an eternal optimist with the song “Laughter in the Rain.”

I’m feeling the need for some continued optimism this week so I’m picking another song from the ‘70s that I’ve always considered a bit of a theme song for optimism as well.

“Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head” by BJ Thomas.

Growing up we didn’t do a whole lot of extracurricular activities as a family. Not a lot of vacations, not a lot of roadtrips, not a lot of family adventures. We visited by grandmother often and we went out to dinner about once a week.

That weekly restaurant trip became a source of comfort for me because we pretty much went to the same neighborhood restaurant and order the same food every week. Comfort food. Baked Ziti. To this day, this is why I associate pasta with comfort. It’s probably why I crave pasta when I’m looking for comfort.

This little neighborhood Italian restaurant had small jukeboxes at every table so for what I remember to be either a dime or a quarter, you could play a song. And I kid you not, every single time we went to that restaurant, someone at some table would always play “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head.” Every time.

So I grew to associate that song with comfort food and ultimately optimism.

So I’m going to feature that song this week as part of #MusicMonday - with a nod towards optimists the world over!

Have a great week! What’s your experience? JIM