Robots for Marriott and Hilton


For those of us who are fortunate to be able to work from home during the pandemic, we know that technology has saved us. This would have been a very different world if we didn’t have the technology advances to help us adjust. Imagine this twenty years ago? Even ten years ago?

Technology is helping us in other parts of life too, like in travel. In fact, over the summer both Marriott and Hilton started to put robots into their hotels in California as a test. These robots essentially deliver items to your hotel room, like towels, food, and essential items. If you’ve stayed at a hotel during this time, you know that once you check into your room, no one from the hotel enters it during your stay so that the hotel can ensure cleanliness and safety. No room service and no linens and towels. Except now when delivered by a robot. No human interaction. No one walking the halls or entering the elevators.

So smart!

How can technology improve how you deliver to your customers? What’s your experience? JIM