"What a Wonderful World" #MusicMonday


There’s a song from 1967 that I think perfectly fits for this our first official work day of 2021.

“What a Wonderful World,” by Louis Armstrong.

The strong brings back many fond memories of when I was a kid because every year the news outlets would use it as a soundtrack to the annual “year in review” montages. Always brought a tear to my eye because although the montages would certainly point out the year’s difficulties, they always landed and were overwhelmed by the hope concluding and then starting a new year.

So for me, this song has always been about optimism, hope, and renewal. Something we desperately need as we go into 2021.

“The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

And also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

They’re really saying I love you”

What a wonderful world. Let’s hope. Let’s build. Let’s create.

What’s your experience? JIM