SKYY Vodka Refresh

Source: SKYY Vodka

Source: SKYY Vodka

SKYY Vodka has long touted its San Francisco roots and the heritage of being formulated for the perfect martini. It’s not so easy to differentiate a liquor brand, and certainly the vodka segment is a crowded one. Which is why said branding needs to evolve over time, to continue to stay differentiated and relevant.

Enter the refreshed SKYY Vodka with a pretty new blue bottle, a refreshed look from its iconic design. But it’s not just the bottle that’s been refreshed, so too has the formula. The brand talks about using minerals from the Pacific Bay Area of its hometown, essentially doubling down on its geographic advantages. Smart.

While I’m not sure that this is breakthrough news or a game-changing refresh, it does give vodka drinkers a reason to give SKYY a try when perhaps they haven’t considered it for awhile. And it also gives SKYY loyalists even more reason to believe in its San Francisco beginnings. All for the perfect martini. Or vodka soda. Or whatever else!

What’s your experience? JIM