"I Am What I Am" #MusicMonday


Just in time for Pride weekend in New York, this amazing group of people just re-imagined the classic “I Am What I Am.” You can’t help but stand up and dance …

You also can’t help but stand up and cheer this group. While we toss around the words “inclusivity,” and “diversity,” and “belonging,” and “acceptance” (I actually hate that word but that’s for another post), this group is living it, demonstrating it, celebrating it, and showcasing it.

I’m grinning from ear to ear!

“Live your truth!”

This particular song has special meaning for me. I came out relatively late in life, in my early thirties. I had two very young children and it was very hard to meet people. While yes I was finally out, I was also very unknown and very lonely. I knew no one and knew nothing about “gay” culture. I think I had just learned what the “gay flag” was.

Fortunately, I lived near New Hope, PA which was a small town with a big gay population. Forgive me for using the term “gay,” it’s just that we didn’t really identify LBGTQ+ back then. I had gotten to know a few folks at the local gay bar, The Cartwheel. For Pride Weekend, they invited me to drive to Manhattan for the parade. They knew it was my first so I think they were enjoying the newness of it through my eyes.

Wow, they showed me an experience of a lifetime. I remember it vividly to this day. And detailed it all in my book “Out and About Dad.”

Long story short, we planted ourselves in front of The Stonewall Inn (literally where Pride all began) because they wanted to show me the true Pride experience. We would pop in and out of the bar to watch the parade and grab a beer and dance and repeat. Well into the celebration, they asked the DJ to play Gloria Gaynor’s version of “I Am What I Am” (from 1983) and we formed a huge circle on the dance floor. They said it was THE Pride Song. It is. I know it sounds trivial even as I write it, it truly was the experience of a lifetime and a ground breaking moment for me.

I had friends! I had friends who knew the true me! I was dancing in a gay bar, THE gay bar, on Pride Weekend! Wow!

I will also never forget, while we were standing and standing and standing in front of The Stonewall Inn, when the parade finally turned the corner and started coming towards us. The sea of Pride Flags and the sea of people and Pride t-shirts was completely overwhelming. I literally had tears streaming down my face. Luckily I had shades on so no one noticed!

Ahhhh … Happy Pride! Live your truth!

What’s your experience? JIM

PS - The song originated from the Tony award winning Broadway Show La Cage aux Folles with the song recorded on the cast album in 1983 as well.